Thursday, July 21, 2011

July 21, 2011 -- slowly but surely....

The gray is coming in slowly but surely.  I find that I'm noticing more and more gray heads.  I even noticed a man that stopped dying his hair recently and he admitted it when I asked.  Lucky for him, though, he keeps his hair short so his grow-out was a haircut or two. 

I saw two women in the hall at work as I was walking by.  They each had a different shade of gray.  On my way back to my desk these women were still there talking, so I politely interrupted them.  Not that interrupting is ever really polite....but as soon as I stated that the reason for the interruption was to ask them about their hair, their expression lit up.  They were happy to share their experience with me.  It's like I've recently joined a new club.  

I sing with a Sweet Adaline's chorus, The Virginia Coast Chorus.  There are women in my chorus that have went through this transition too.  It's fun to hear other women share their gray experience.  

I've found that some partings show more gray (or white) than others.  A middle part would show a lot of white, if I parted my hair in the middle, as would some left and right partings.  At slightly lower left or right partings, there is more dark than white.  I had one woman tell me that my hair seems less white this week than it did a couple weeks ago.  It must be the way I parted it that day. 

Maybe I'm not as gray as I'm expecting.  Here's today's part..sort of zig zaggy...

 This would be the center...there is a lot more white there...

Not much at the hairline there.

Next time, I'll have better light for pictures.

Saturday, July 9, 2011


I'm ready for the tricks to graying gracefully.  I read about the zig zag part, so I did that yesterday.  I ordered a book that has more tricks...Going Gray, Looking Great.  I found it on a website of the same name...

My hasn't grown much in the last week...but it's showing more.

It really depends on where I part my it shows a lot more gray...

and here, not as much.

I have some gray around my hairline and I'm finding that I like far.  I'm hoping that I'll go all the way with this process.  There are times when I waiver, but I have strong will power though.  I want to see this through.  I read about adding white streaks to your grown out gray and it looks great in the pictures, but you can never be sure that the hairdresser you go to can do the same.  I'd be worried about it coming out yellow.  I'm happy that my gray is white and would like to keep it that way. 

So far, this seems like a long's only been a short month since I decided to stop coloring, though! Oh well...the journey continues.....

Monday, July 4, 2011

my gray....

As I continue to grow my gray out, I find myself ultra sensitive when someone casts a judgement on a woman that they see from afar as old because of their gray or white hair.  Gets me thinking...will they see me as old?  I'll only be 54 when this grow out is complete. I have always felt pride about my youthfulness.  Maybe such pride is what it is...pride.  Aren't we taught that being too proud can verge on being boastful? With whatever else that I'll go through during this process, this will also be a lesson in humility for me. 

I'm still journeying....I'm still not sure how my hair will be. Will I have dark with a sprinkling of white...with some streaks of white?  Will it be more white that I think....or less?  Time will tell...